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Discover the power of genomic insights. Get your NGS service quote today.

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NGS-based Genes & Panel


Gene panels use next generation sequencing (NGS) technology to target specific genes or mutations that have established relevancy to a particular phenotype. NGS permits sequencing of large genomic regions, high numbers of genes, and/or high numbers of samples in a single efficient and cost-effective assay. In addition, NGS provides significantly higher sensitivity than traditional techniques, which permits the discovery of rare somatic mutations, many of which have been identified as important cancer drivers. Quick Biology offers a number of gene panels to provide a complete solution from experimental design to advanced bioinformatics analysis for final clinical reports. We pride ourselves in providing the highest level of flexibility and customization. If you were not able to find a panel suiting your patient's needs you can create a Custom NGS panel using any of our 18,000+ genes. 


Panel Coverage: 96% at 20x Guaranteed
Single Gene Coverage: 99.99% at 20x Guaranteed
Deletion / Duplication: ≥ 2 exons
Sequencing Methods: NGS
Orthogonal Methods: Sanger, qPCR, MLPA, rpPCR
Turnaround Time: 3-5 weeks

Genes & Panel Selections

Hereditary ​Cancer Genetic Testing

The Full Comprehensive Cancer Panel examines 127 genes associated with hereditary cancer. This panel includes both well-established genes that increase a person’s risk for cancer but also includes candidate genes that may have only been recently discovered or for which additional research is needed. 

The Breast and Ovarian Cancer Comprehensive Panel examine 25 genes associated with an increased risk for hereditary breast cancer and hereditary ovarian cancer. 

The Colorectal Cancer Comprehensive Panel examines 22 genes associated with an increased risk for hereditary colorectal cancer (colon cancer). 

The Pancreatic Cancer Comprehensive Panel examines 22 genes associated with an increased risk for hereditary pancreatic cancer. 

  • - Prostate Cancer Comprehensive Panel

The Prostate Cancer Comprehensive Panel examines 12 genes associated with an increased risk for prostate cancer. 

  • - Full Comprehensive Cancer Panel

The Full Comprehensive Cancer Panel examines 127 genes associated with hereditary cancer. This panel includes both well-established genes that increase a person’s risk for cancer, but also includes candidate genes that may have only been recently discovered or for which additional research is needed. 

Cardiovascular Genetic Testing

  • - Comprehensive Cardiovascular NGS Panel

Comprehensive Cardiovascular Panel covers a broad spectrum of inherited heart conditions and diseases. This test examines all 252 genes included in the cardiovascular-related panels. 

- Other options include: Comprehensive Cardiomyopathy (129 genes); Comprehensive Arrhythmia (76 genes); Vascular & Connective Tissue Diseases (22 genes); Congenital & Pediatric Cardiovascular-Related Diseases (125 genes)

Immune Related Genetic Testing

  • - Comprehensive Primary Immunodeficiency NGS Panel ( 471 genes )
  • - Severe Combined Immunodeficiency NGS Panel (97 genes)
  • - Primary Antibody Deficiency NGS Panel (37 genes)

Hearing Related Genetic Testing

- Comprehensive Hearing Loss NGS Panel ( 179 genes )

Reflex Testing Options

Reflex testing options are designed to broaden your patient’s genetic analysis to exome sequencing when primary testing is non-diagnostic. Primary testing comprises a preset or custom panel selected by you for your patient. If genetic variants are identified that are sufficient to make a molecular diagnosis, the panel results will be reported, typically within three to four weeks. If our curation scientists and lab directors find that no diagnosis can be made based on primary testing, then the selected reflex testing is initiated. Our client services representatives or genetic counselors may contact you at this time to obtain additional clinical information and family history. The reflex options examine coding regions and splice junctions for thousands of genes, and reports include only the variants that are of plausible clinical relevance for your patient. These reflex options provide more assurance that a relevant molecular diagnosis can be made for your patient, at more efficient turnaround times and pricing than sequential orders. This flexibility eliminates the need for separate office visits, blood draws, and requisitions, and allows the diagnostic search to continue unimpeded.